
老的 GRE 考试要写两篇,分别是 Issue Essay 和 Argument Essay。现在只需要写一篇。

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Overall Structure

There should be 5 paragraphs in total. Word count is essential for grading.

Introduction x1

1. Hook 1x2s

只包括有趣的事实、趋势、观察、名言等,不包括观点。“不包括观点”的意思是,题目中有可能出现某个观点让你评价,但是在 Hook 中也不要出现他给出的观点。例如题目问是否同意“互联网疏远的人的距离”,Hook 应当关注人的距离,而不是是否疏远。


(Some observation…) With so much change in such a short period of time, determining whether it has been largely positive or negative is difficult, if not possible.

2. Shift to Prompt 1x1s

Ping the provided argument and keep the article coherent.


The prompt takes the positive/negative stance and argues …

3. Thesis ⭐ 1x1s

Thesis Spectrum

There is a set of extents to which you agree with the provided argument. It’s recommended to pick the ones with mostly in it.

  • Strongly disagree
  • Mostly disagree
  • Neutral
  • Mostly agree
  • Strongly agree

4. Outline 1x0.5s

To tell the readers how the paragraphs below are structured.

Examples on thesis and outline.

In my opinion, I mostly agree/disagree with this view and believe that … for the following reasons, though I do concede that (counterpoint…).

Body Paragraph x2

1. Topic Sentence 1x1s

Claim a subpoint.


First/Second of all, (repeat the thesis…) because (idea supporting the thesis…).

2. Example 2x1s

There should be two examples from history, politics, economics, etc. or hypothesis. Do not use personal experience as an example. Examples are specific.

  • AWA Where to find examples? ➕ 2024-07-09

Examples need not to directly prove the point. You should do the reasoning in the next part.


For example, a Japanese exchange student studying in New York City can communicate with her mother in Tokyo easily and effectively at no charge using an application like WhatsApp and Facebook.

Example on Counter-example

In the past, this same student would have had no choice but to send a letter (which might arrive three weeks later) or call long distance at an exorbitant rate of dollars per minute.

3. Development/Explanation 1x2-3s

Explain why the reason has an impact on the point.


The Earth is massive, and even if one were travelling at the maximum speed of a commercial jetliner, it would take nearly 24 hours to travel from one end of the planet to another.

However, technology, at least from a communication point of view, has created a reality in which all of Earth’s 8 billion inhabitants are effectively right next to each other, not constrained by distance in any meaningful way.

The advantages of this leap cannot be overstated, from the way we interact with our families to the way we conduct business around the globe.

Concession Paragraph (counterpoint) x1

1. Topic Sentence 1x1s

2. Example 2x1s

3. Development/Explanation 1x2-3s


Rephrase your thesis and supporting ideas.


In conclusion, while it is true that (counterpoint …), the benefits of (benefit 1 …) and (benefit 2 …) clearly outweigh the cons.